Owen Claymon accepts the Omega Cup for Best ZBT Newsletter at the 2024 International Convention from Matthew Rubins, Past International President of ZBT Foundation. It’s the 11th time in the past 12 years IOTA Chapter has been the recipient of the Omega Cup.

Just click on the web links below to read past issues of “An IOTA’s Worth” eNewsletters.


IOTA’s 102nd Chartering Celebration Over the weekend of October 6 to 8, the brothers of Iota Chapter at the University of Denver (DU) hosted their centennial celebration. Iota was founded in 1920; brothers and guests were thrilled to be able to mark this moment in history, finally, after a two-year delay due to the pandemic. Master of Ceremonies was 50-plus year Chapter Advisor and Past International President Stephen P. Ehrlich, Esq., Iota (University of Denver) 1970.


IOTA Chapter Recognized at ZBT International Convention August 10-12 in New York City.


Fall quarter has come to an end. Iota has over 70 members adding 18 new brothers this fall. The chapter hopes to add at least 12 more new brothers during winter and fall recruitment. The chapter under the leadership of Jack Moser, chapter president, had a lot of diverse programming and hopes to do even more in the quarters to come.


ZETA BETA TAU | PHI SIGMA DELTA IOTA’s 102nd Chartering Celebration SAVE THE DATE | Oct 6-9, 2022


Another school year at IOTA Chapter is drawing to a close. ZBTahiti was a great success. The brothers are looking forward to formal, whitewater rafting, retreat, the graduation ritual, their annual Blood Drive, Wish for Wheels Bike Give-away, raising more money for Children’s Miracle Network and more programming. This years Inter-National Convention and Leadership School will be held this coming July in Las Vegas.


We are pleased to report that Iota Chapter was once again the Omega Cup recipient for Outstanding Publications. Our thanks to Don Reisfeld and all others involved in making IOTA #1 in this category nine out of the past ten years.


It has been a great fall at IOTA. The chapter initiated 22 new brothers thanks to the leadership of Jack Moser and Michael Kuras our Recruitment Directors. IOTA has just over 75 brothers. We hope to have at least ten more men join our ranks during winter and spring quarters.


The chapter did win the Best Recruitment Award along with Jackson Spear being recognized as the Best House Director by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. The chapter has raised nearly $5,000 for Children’s Miracle Network and the brothers donated over $1,000 to the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation. The brothers did conduct a blood drive as well as putting in lots of hours at a local food bank. Arthur Ashworth is serving as an IFC Vice-President.


We welcome back brothers Alec Hurst, Past Chapter President, as our new House Director and Kyle Leigh back to Denver and as a new assistant Chapter Advisor. Thanks to Jay Reano who has re-started our Third Thursday lunches for Denver area alumni. If you want to join us, get on the mailing list by contacting Jay via email: [email protected], brothers of all ages are welcomed.


With Covid restrictions lessened at DU things have returned to a more normal routine. Brothers are still regularly tested and other health and safety precautions are adhered to. The students are asked to be smart about gatherings. This as you might imagine has been challenging.


IOTA Chapter is the most highly honored fraternity at DU …winning three out of six FSL 2020 Chapter Awards including Excellent in Alumni & Advisor Engagement, Recruitment/Retention & Intake, Community Service and Cross Council Collaboration Award! Greg Grauberger was the recipient of Best Advisor.


ZBT’S INTERNATIONAL ZOOM CONVENTION July 26, 2020 – Once again IOTA Chapter for the 12th year in a row has been a Brummer Cup runnerup or recipient (2016 and 2018 Brummer Cups). An amazing model of consistency for over a decade. IOTA was the recipient of the Alexander “Babe” Lewin Award for Outstanding Alumni Programming. Certain awards were not given out this year due to circumstances: publications, website, etc.


It has been an interesting and challenging fall quarter. The men of IOTA have risen to the challenge. We have initiated 16 new brothers in a mostly virtual and man-on-man recruitment process.


IOTA CHAPTER DOMINATES 2019 DU AWARDS! Iota had a very successful night at the 2018-2019 University of Denver Greek Life Awards Fraternity & Sorority Life Awards aka FSL Awards given by the University of Denver and won by Iota chapter: EXCELLENCE IN HARM PREVENTION AND RISK MANAGEMENT, EXCELLENCE IN PHILANTHROPY, EXCELLENCE IN COMMUNITY SERVICE and EXCELLENCE IN RECRUITMENT & INTAKE


The chapter was honored as the Runner-up of ZBT’s Brummer Cup for Best Chapter. This is the 9th out of the past 10 years where the chapter has either been the best chapter, twice in the last four years, or runner-up… “Decade of Dominance”. The Chapter won the Omega Cup for best publication award for the seventh year in a row – thanks to our editor/publisher Don Reisfeld for a job very well done.


We are very excited to announce the 2019 International Convention will be in Denver from August 1-4, 2019. The weekend will be packed with inspiring speakers, educational programming for undergraduates and alumni, networking opportunities and awards for brothers who have made a difference within the Fraternity and their communities. We are recognizing the Iota, Beta Alpha Theta and Gamma Chapters for their 100-year anniversaries!


The brothers at IOTA had another successful recruit period initiating 27 new brothers. This along with one transferring brother from the University of Illinois brings the chapter’s membership to 123, an IOTA record! IOTA is the largest fraternity at DU!


IOTA wins Brummer Cup!  On behalf of the advisors and alumni of IOTA chapter we wish to congratulate and thank the past and present leadership of IOTA for bringing home another Brummer Cup. Once again IOTA won best publications in larger part thanks to Don Reisfeld, our editor and publisher! We greatly appreciate your dedication to preserving IOTA as A Powerhouse of Excellence. While we can all pause and enjoy this award we almost must understand that our pursuit of a better brotherhood remains our goal.


Another school year is off to a strong start. Under the leadership of Sonny Davis, the chapter continues to excel on many fronts. With the addition of 31 new brothers the chapter now has 116 brothers, an IOTA record. Peter Johnston and his committee along with mentorship provided by Scott Adams did an excellent job in attracting the best and brightest to join our brotherhood. Hoping to have approximately 10 more students join our ranks in winter and spring. The Brummer Cup Celebration was a wonderful event celebrating the chapter’s accomplishment of being recognized at the BEST CHAPTER in all of ZBT for the second time in the last three years.


As another school year comes to an end we are pleased to report this has been another banner year for IOTA. We end the year with 109 brothers. The chapter recently won seven of the eight chapter awards at DU’s Greek Awards Ceremony. Christopher Nalen, our immediate Past President, was honored as DU’s best fraternity president, a well-deserved honor and freshman Alex Frith was recognized as Best New Brother.


IOTA CHAPTER #1 at DU! This fall has been another record one at IOTA. We now are a brotherhood of over 110 men. The brothers not only had a successful recruitment, but completed over 1000 hours of community service, raised nearly $10,000 for Children’s Miracle Network, placed 14 men on the Dean’s List last spring, have started their march to their fourth consecutive intramural championship, have a brother serving as IFC’s president and one as a student senator, and much more. We are very proud of our undergraduates and their success in and outside of the classroom.


Zeta Beta Tau’s Distinguished Speaker Series Brother Marc Nathanson’s discussion is titled Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur


ZBT At DU Once Again Wins National Recognition! The brothers of the Iota Chapter of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at the University were recently honored for their achievements at the fraternity’s Inter-National Convention held in Atlanta. For the fourth year in a row they were selected as a runner-up for the Brummer Cup as ZBT’s most outstanding chapter. They won top honors as the best recruiting chapter on a campus with under 10,000 undergraduates, having the most improved GPA, and having the best intramural participation and record. They also were recognized for outstanding performance in the areas of community service, alumni relations, and parental relations. The chapter was also recognized as being the best fraternity at DU at this spring’s Greek Awards.


IOTA IS A WINNER! This past summer, five brothers were able to attend the 2009 Zeta Beta Tau National Convention and Leadership School. President Chris Fettig, External Vice President Patrick Bernard, Secretary Merrick Hiton, Philanthropy Chairman Jeremy Lynch, and Brother Bryan Barry were in attendance during the convention.